Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Black Holes

A black hole has a pull of so much gravity light can’t escape its depths. It is like this because of all of the squeezed matter in a single place. They are basically invisible to the naked eye because as I said light can’t escape the black hole. They range in size. Scientists think they can be as small as a single atom or a stellar, which can be as large as about 20 suns or even up to a supermassive, which can be up to 4 million suns. We currently have one at the center of the milky way. Every galaxy has one in the center. The name of ours is Sagittarius. The black holes are made when a star collapses upon itself. This causes a supernova which is an exploding star in space. It can be as bright as 1,000 suns. We currently have nothing to worry about because there is no black holes close enough to do anything to our galaxy and even if there was one it would have to be quite a bit bigger than our sun to do anything to the arrangement of our planets and galaxy.

Smith, H. (2008, August 20). Black Holes. Retrieved November 10, 2011, from Nasa:

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Back to Space

NASA has been working on a deep space capsule for the last 5 years. It is called Orion like Orion’s Belt. It is supposed to have a test launch in 2014 and orbit the Earth at about 5,000 miles away. The main purpose and goal of this capsule is to fly to the moon, Mars, and do some other exploring. It’s said not to be sending men until 2025, but the men for the mission have already started training. The men for this mission currently spent five hundred days in a windowless simulator to that of Orion. The only difference would be that they were actually in space and the no gravity situation. They ate and communicated like they would a real mission. They also ate canned and packaged food like they would in space. The crew seems ready and is extremely excited to be doing this. There are 5 astronauts from different nations and a Chinese engineer that will be going along as well.

Thornhill, T. (2011, November 10). Orion deep space capsule. Retrieved November 10, 2010, from NASA:

Thursday, November 3, 2011

top space findings

I found top space findings and meaningful events to the space race. In 1957 the Soviet Union launches first capsule into space. The United States is right behind doing the same thing a year later. October 1, 1958 NASA is formed by Congress. In 1961 Soviet Union sends first man into space and returned him hope safely. In 1969 the US sends the first men to the moon and they walk on it. They are the infamous Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin. In 1973 the US sends up its first mini space station. In 1983 Sally Ride becomes the first woman in space. The next month the first African American was allowed up. Those are pretty much the largest ones. There are a few more exciting events but I’ll save them for the paper.

Guevin, J. (2007, October 1). cnet. Retrieved Octover 5, 2011, from 50 years in space: