Tuesday, October 25, 2011

NASA in Antarctica

Nasa is not a space only company. They offer many other possibilities that we may not know of. Right now NASA is currently experimenting in Antarctica surveying their currently changing ice situation. This mission is called Operation IceBridge. It’s basically for explaining how high the sea level of water will rise when the polar ice sheets by Greenland and Antarctica will melt. This has been going on over the last three years and are finally getting some results and answers to some of their questions. The glaciers move over time and the scientists are slowly seeing changes in the amount of ice and how it changes from the surface all the way down to the bedrock. They fly two separate planes with much valuable scientific equipment on board across Antarctica at different times to conduct different surveys and topographies of the barren ice land.

Cole, S. (2011, October 13). IceBridge Antarctica 2011. Retrieved October 19, 2011, from NASA: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/icebridge/news/fall11/antarctic_2011campaign.html

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